Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Month of Memories - December 21st

I remember yesterday when I heard about the lunar eclipse that happened early this morning.  I remember thinking "I would sure like to see it, but not at that time of the morning!"   The boys and I spent a long time yesterday morning learning more about eclipses and why they happened.  Lunar eclipses aren't that uncommon, but it is quite unusual for it to occur on a Winter Solstice.  The last time it happened on Winter Solstice was in 1638 and the next time will be in 2094.  I guess my kids have a chance at seeing that one...but I don't think I do!

Last night we went to bed as usual...until God woke me up at 2:45, the exact time that the full eclipse was to begin.  And not only that, He graciously positioned the moon so that I could see it out of the skylight in the master bathroom.  I was able to see the beautiful eclipse as it became full, and enjoy it from the comfort of my warm home.  What a surprising gift. :)

Here's a picture of the moon over the Washington Monument, copied from the Washington Post.  Beautiful, isn't it?

Here's a link to the Post article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/20/AR2010122006447.html?hpid=artslot

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