Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reston Town Center Fun

Recently, we had a beautiful, warm December day, so I decided to take the boys to Reston Town Center.  Our primary goal was to see the Gingerbread House display in the Reston Hyatt lobby.  But, since the weather was perfect that day, the boys also enjoyed playing in the fountain, looking at the Christmas tree, watching the ice rink be zambonied (is that a word?  Do you know I once worked with someone from the Zamboni family?), and enjoying some sweet snacks.

Here are a few pictures from the morning.

Half of the display:

The other half:

My Favorite Building:

Snacks at Panera. 

Three Boys at the Fountain:


Matthew, Eve, Noah, Noelle, and Brooke said...

what fun and such an incredible display!! I love gingerbread houses - and that was a whole town! The photo of the three boys by the water is beautiful :)

Jorge, Kasha & Spartacus said...

It looks like you all had a wonderful time! The boys look adorable :)